
Fashion's what you adopt when you don't know who you are. Silicone. Saline. Poison. Inject me!

Monday, 23 August 2010

Winter is a Wonderland

Right, so I'm sitting here looking at the pissing rain and thinking how pointless it is. You know when the rain looks like its about to flood your poor city so you wrap up prepared to take the rain on but the minute you step outside you realize that its f*cking humid meaning its still HOT, and i mean hot as in you feel like shooting yourself for wearing so much damn clothes and to add salt to the wound ten minutes later the Grey has gone, the sun's shining, the pavements dry and your left questioning your sanity as your wondering if it really did just rain or not. Well yes, I've had enough. This is typical English weather so I'm not going to complain about what I already know and can't change but this i will say, I CANT FUCKING WAIT TILL WINTER. You know the season when the weather can't actually fool you, because you know that sunshine or no sunshine its still cold. My other reason for the love of winter, is layering. I love it, the season where you genuinely can't wear enough clothes at once, the early city darkness and for me, personally, Halloween.

But for every pro, there is a con. When the snow falls the heels have to go! *cries, and sinks into a deep depression for 10 seconds.* The snow doesn't actually start to fall until around January/February therefore that leaves me with around 4 whole months to come up with an severe alternative, I'm thinking thigh high boots and if not, then i guess its either wellies or converses or flats. Emotional times I tell ya.

But yes, Meow is going brunette, well copperhead. I'm tired of black hair, so I'm investing in something new. Now you see there it goes again, another pro with a con, I'm thinking that with browny/red hair my red lippy will have to go. Well to be honest I'm not that upset actually as I really am looking forward to switching it up by toning it down.

Now finally, my ultimate challenge, I need to loose a stone because come winter, there is layering, layering is padding, padding is fat. Kind of, therefore in order for me to refrain from looking like a Heffalump I will need to shrink substantially, this is a good thing though because this summer my sweet tooth has been way over indulged and now my mom thinks that if I don't stop I will end up with some form of diabetes, plus I find that Autumn/Winter is the time of the year when most of my friends have birhdays and so ther'll be plenty of dining for the upcoming months. 

Moral of the story? Roll on winter! 



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